Saturday, March 10, 2012

Birthdays and Brats

We have had a busy week! Tuesday was DH's birthday. He played golf and we went out for supper. Texas Roadhouse was really nice to him for his Birthday.

They brought him a special seat, sang to him and gave him a Chocolate Sundae.

We had been preparing for the 2nd Annual Antigua Street Brat Party. It was scheduled for Wednesday at 4.

Mother Nature decided that we needed to postpone it and have it on Thursday! 30mph wind isn't conducive to a nice BBQ.
Thursday we went to Mexico in the morning and got back in time to go to the party. It was a nice afternoon and they used the lot on the corner because we ended up with about 56 people!

Once more, the BBQ was deemed a success. We spent the day on Friday running around town returning and restocking. We got to sit and visit with lots of folks from our surrounding neighborhood. Here in the desert, Sand Buggies are a popular toy! They make a great little vehicle to run after the mail too! Some of them we see everyday and some we just pass by on the street.

Stopped for a bite to eat at Logan's Roadhouse, which reminds me of Whiskey Creek, one of my favorite restaurants in Nebraska. I got my mail today and finished all the business and bills for this time. One more mail delivery before we move. We are waiting for our taxes to get them signed and sent. I have a list of chores to do yet. KayCee needs to go to the Vet and get a Bordatella shot so that if I need to board her for the day in Vegas I can do so. I will definitely be ready to go by the end of the month. I need a vacation from the vacation! We are going to the Annual Lettuce Festival tomorrow. It's really a fun time. Free Lettuce too. The Harvest is going strong. Every trip to town we see the pickers and field hands busy as can be.

We'll stand in line for our free box of Tanamura and Antle Fancy Artisan lettuce. Their Harvest and Cooling plant are just down the street. Last winter I got their lettuce in Nebraska in the winter!
I am thankful for them! They employ Harvest Crews from Mexico. They come over, work and go home to Mexico every night. Not many Americans are hardy enough to work in this heat and the work is very strenuous. The weather is cookie cutter for the upcoming week. 81 81 81 81 81..... then looks to be another cool snap. It will be nice not to use the AquaHot for heat much now as our Diesel may be getting a little low after heating for 3 months.

In the evenings we go to the Clubhouse and get in the hot tub at dark.... The still and beauty of the complex makes it my favorite time of day!


  1. Happy Birthday, Dan!!! A little late but the wishes are still there.

  2. Love to see Danny having a good time. His back must be all better ;)
